Shoulders, chest and hip opening Yoga
Opening Yoga Classes. Now Online trough Zoom
From an energetic point of view, this sequence is rather a class, part of it active “Yang” – Sun and part of it “Yin” – Moon. Solar energy is like an explosion of the sun: direct, fierce and strong.
The lunar energy is more feminine. We embrace the sacred power of the feminine, we invite teaching, receptivity, creativity and change. The power of the moon is just as strong, but it moves like water or air.
This is a sequence in which you feel an energetic flow of release, it restores our freedom in the body and in our own unique expression. The tradition says that in the shoulders, chest and hips there is a suitable environment for storing negative feelings and repressed emotions, our fears and the need to always be in control. There are over 20 muscles that cross the hip, so any movement that stretches any of these muscles could be considered as “opening the hips”. We can say that almost every yoga posture has a greater or lesser degree of opening the hips or shoulders.
The chest positions help us expand the cardiac space, essentially allowing you to stretch your intercostal muscles. Difficult to practice without specific yoga positions, such as the “Upper Bridge”, the other method would be Pranayama breathing techniques to fully extend your lungs. The result of a flexible rib cage allows increased blood flow to the heart and the ability to breathe deeper, taking more air into all lung lobes. When the heart and the space of the heart are open, we feel more love. We are more open to receiving love, naturally we are able to share more of this feeling with others.
After these intense classes are over, you will have that euphoric feeling that nothing negative in our life actually matters, you feel dizzy and relieved. Exercise generally releases endorphins into the body, but yoga specifically has another stronger effect on the mind and spirit.
Make sure you breathe long, abdominally, extending the diaphragm into the abdomen. Because this is a monthly practice, “so the body is not warmed up as after a more active practice,” breathe Ujjayi consistently.
Every physical body of the yoga practitioner is different, you will be encouraged to accept and embrace your own structure.
Focus on practicing each asana “like a dance” and be less focused on getting “perfect postures.”
Yoga sequence for hips, shoulders and chest opening:
Enjoy this yoga practice!
For the yoga class you will need:
Corina teaches several group and private yoga classes weekly for breast cancer and/or lymphedema online over Zoom. Contact Corina for more information and/or to participate.